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Baby Steps to Overcome Social Phobia Anxiety Without a Therapist


Social Anxiety Disorder

Feel intensely uncomfortable in social situations? Use this guide to acquire virtually the symptoms, treatment, and cocky-help for social phobia.

Young woman sitting on edge of bed alone, elbows on thighs, one hand clasping the other, chin resting on hands, gazing out

What is social anxiety disorder or social phobia?

Many people get nervous or self-witting on occasion, like when giving a speech or interviewing for a new job. Only social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is more than just shyness or occasional nerves. Social feet disorder involves intense fearfulness of certain social situations—especially situations that are unfamiliar or in which you experience you'll be watched or evaluated by others. These situations may be and so frightening that you get anxious just thinking about them or become to great lengths to avert them, disrupting your life in the procedure.

Underlying social anxiety disorder is the fear of being scrutinized, judged, or embarrassed in public. You may be afraid that people will think badly of you or that you won't measure up in comparison to others. And fifty-fifty though you probably realize that your fears of being judged are at least somewhat irrational and overblown, you lot still tin can't assistance feeling anxious. But no matter how painfully shy you may be and no matter how bad the butterflies, y'all can learn to exist comfortable in social situations and repossess your life.

What causes social anxiety?

Although it may experience like you're the but 1 with this trouble, social anxiety is actually quite mutual. Many people struggle with these fears. But the situations that trigger the symptoms of social anxiety disorder can be unlike.

Some people experience anxiety in most social situations. For others, anxiety is connected to specific social situations, such as speaking to strangers, mingling at parties, or performing in front of an audience. Mutual social feet triggers include:

  • Meeting new people
  • Making pocket-size talk
  • Public speaking
  • Performing on stage
  • Existence the eye of attention
  • Being watched while doing something
  • Being teased or criticized
  • Talking with "of import" people or authority figures
  • Being called on in form
  • Going on a appointment
  • Speaking upwards in a coming together
  • Using public restrooms
  • Taking exams
  • Eating or drinking in public
  • Making phone calls
  • Attending parties or other social gatherings

Signs and symptoms of social feet disorder

Only because you occasionally get nervous in social situations doesn't mean you have social anxiety disorder or social phobia. Many people experience shy or cocky-witting on occasion, even so it doesn't get in the style of their everyday functioning. Social anxiety disorder, on the other hand, does interfere with your normal routine and causes tremendous distress.

For example, it's perfectly normal to get the jitters before giving a speech. But if you have social anxiety, you might worry for weeks ahead of time, call in sick to get out of it, or start shaking so bad during the speech that yous tin can hardly speak.

Emotional signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder:

  • Excessive self-consciousness and feet in everyday social situations
  • Intense worry for days, weeks, or even months earlier an upcoming social situation
  • Extreme fear of being watched or judged by others, especially people yous don't know
  • Fear that you lot'll human action in ways that will embarrass or humiliate yourself
  • Fright that others volition observe that you're nervous

Physical signs and symptoms:

  • Red face, or blushing
  • Shortness of jiff
  • Upset stomach, nausea (i.eastward. butterflies)
  • Trembling or shaking (including shaky vocalization)
  • Racing heart or tightness in chest
  • Sweating or hot flashes
  • Feeling empty-headed or faint

Behavioral signs and symptoms:

  • Avoiding social situations to a degree that limits your activities or disrupts your life
  • Staying quiet or hiding in the background in society to escape discover and embarrassment
  • A need to always bring a buddy along with you lot wherever you go
  • Drinking before social situations in order to soothe your nerves

Social feet disorder in children

There's nothing aberrant about a child existence shy, but children with social anxiety disorder feel farthermost distress over everyday situations such as playing with other kids, reading in class, speaking to adults, or taking tests. Oft, children with social phobia don't even want to go to school.

[Read: Anxiety in Children and Teens: A Parent's Guide]

How to overcome social anxiety disorder tip 1: Challenge negative thoughts

While it may seem like there's nothing you lot tin practice nigh the symptoms of social feet disorder or social phobia, in reality, there are many things that can help. The offset pace is challenging your mentality.

Social feet sufferers have negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their fears and anxiety. These can include thoughts such as:

  • "I know I'll end upwardly looking like a fool."
  • "My vox will commencement shaking and I'll humiliate myself."
  • "People will call up I'm stupid"
  • "I won't have anything to say. I'll seem boring."

Challenging these negative thoughts is an effective way to reduce the symptoms of social feet.

Step one: Place the automatic negative thoughts that underlie your fearfulness of social situations. For example, if y'all're worried about an upcoming work presentation, the underlying negative thought might be: "I'm going to blow it. Everyone volition think I'chiliad completely incompetent."

Step two: Analyze and challenge these thoughts. It helps to ask yourself questions about the negative thoughts: "Do I know for certain that I'm going to blow the presentation?" or "Even if I'm nervous, will people necessarily think I'1000 incompetent?" Through this logical evaluation of your negative thoughts, you can gradually replace them with more realistic and positive means of looking at social situations that trigger your feet.

It tin be incredibly scary to recall about why you feel and think the style you do, but agreement the reasons for your anxieties will aid lessen their negative impact on your life.

Unhelpful thinking styles that fuel social anxiety

Ask yourself if you lot're engaging in whatsoever of the following unhelpful thinking styles:

  • Mind reading – Bold you lot know what other people are thinking, and that they see you in the same negative way that you meet yourself.
  • Fortune telling – Predicting the futurity, usually while assuming the worst will happen. Y'all just "know" that things will go horribly, and then you're already anxious earlier yous're even in the situation.
  • Catastrophizing – Blowing things out of proportion. For case, if people notice that you're nervous, it volition be "awful", "terrible", or "disastrous."
  • Personalizing – Bold that people are focusing on you in a negative way or that what'south going on with other people has to do with you.

Tip 2: Focus on others, not yourself

When we're in a social situation that makes us nervous, many of us tend to go caught up in our broken-hearted thoughts and feelings. You may be convinced that anybody is looking at you and judging you. Your focus is on your bodily sensations, hoping that by paying extra shut attention yous tin better control them. Simply this excessive self-focus simply makes you lot more aware of how nervous you're feeling, triggering fifty-fifty more feet! It also prevents you from fully concentrating on the conversations around yous or the operation you lot're giving.

Switching from an internal to an external focus tin go a long way toward reducing social feet. This is easier said than done, but y'all tin can't pay attending to two things at once. The more yous concentrate on what'due south happening effectually y'all, the less you'll be affected by feet.

Focus your attending on other people, but non on what they're thinking of you! Instead, do your best to appoint them and brand a genuine connection.

Recall that anxiety isn't as visible as yous recollect. And even if someone notices that y'all're nervous, that doesn't mean they'll think desperately of you. Chances are other people are feeling just equally nervous every bit yous—or have done in the by.

Actually listen to what is beingness said non to your own negative thoughts.

Focus on the present moment, rather than worrying almost what you're going to say or chirapsia yourself up for a flub that'south already passed.

Release the force per unit area to exist perfect. Instead, focus on being genuine and circumspect—qualities that other people volition appreciate.

Tip 3: Learn to control your breathing

Many changes happen in your torso when yous become anxious. One of the first changes is that you brainstorm to breathe quickly. Overbreathing (hyperventilation) throws off the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your torso—leading to more physical symptoms of anxiety, such as dizziness, a feeling of suffocation, increased heart charge per unit, and muscle tension.

Learning to slow your breathing downwards can help bring your physical symptoms of anxiety back under control. Practicing the following breathing exercise volition assistance you stay at-home:

  • Sit comfortably with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Put 1 hand on your breast and the other on your stomach.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for four seconds. The hand on your stomach should rise, while the hand on your chest should motion very footling.
  • Hold the breath for two seconds.
  • Breathe slowly through your mouth for half-dozen seconds, pushing out at much air as you lot can. The hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very picayune.
  • Continue to exhale in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on keeping a deadening and steady breathing design of 4-in, ii-hold, and 6-out.

Tip 4: Face your fears

One of the most helpful things you tin can do to overcome social anxiety is to face the social situations yous fear rather than avoid them. Avoidance keeps social anxiety disorder going. While avoiding nerve-wracking situations may aid you experience ameliorate in the short term, information technology prevents you from becoming more comfortable in social situations and learning how to cope in the long term. In fact, the more you avoid a feared social state of affairs, the more frightening it becomes.

Avoidance can as well preclude you from doing things you'd like to practise or reaching certain goals. For instance, a fearfulness of speaking upwards may prevent y'all from sharing your ideas at work, standing out in the classroom, or making new friends.

While information technology may seem impossible to overcome a feared social situation, you can do it by taking it one small-scale step at a time. The key is to starting time with a situation that y'all can handle and gradually piece of work your way upwards to more than challenging situations, building your confidence and coping skills as y'all motion up the "feet ladder."

For example, if socializing with strangers makes you anxious, you might start by accompanying an approachable friend to a party. One time y'all're comfortable with that step, you might attempt introducing yourself to one new person, and so on. To work your style upwards a social anxiety ladder:

Don't try to face your biggest fear right away. It's never a adept idea to move too fast, take on besides much, or force things. This may backfire and reinforce your anxiety.

Exist patient. Overcoming social anxiety takes time and practice. It's a gradual footstep-past-step progress.

Employ the skills you lot've learned to stay calm, such as focusing on your animate and challenging negative assumptions.

Socially interacting with co-workers: A sample feet ladder

Step one: Say "hello" to your co-workers.

Step 2: Inquire a co-worker a work-related question.

Pace 3: Ask a co-worker what they did over the weekend.

Step 4: Sit in the break room with co-workers during your coffee interruption.

Step five: Consume lunch in the pause room with your co-workers.

Step 6: Consume lunch in the break room and make small talk with one or more of your coworkers, such every bit talking well-nigh the weather, sports, or current events.

Pace 7: Ask a co-worker to go for a coffee or drink after piece of work.

Step 8: Go out for tiffin with a group of co-workers.

Pace 9: Share personal information about yourself with one or more co-workers.

Step 10: Nourish a staff party with your co-workers.

Actively seeking out supportive social environments is another effective way of challenging your fears and overcoming social feet. The following suggestions are good ways to commencement interacting with others in positive ways:

Take a social skills class or an assertiveness training class. These classes are oft offered at local adult education centers or community colleges.

Volunteer doing something you lot savour, such as walking dogs in a shelter, or stuffing envelopes for a campaign—anything that will give you an action to focus on while you are also engaging with a small number of like-minded people.

Piece of work on your communication skills. Skilful relationships depend on clear, emotionally-intelligent communication. If you detect that you have trouble connecting to others, learning the bones skills of emotional intelligence tin can aid.

Tips for making friends even if you lot're shy or socially awkward

No matter how awkward or nervous you experience in the company of others, you can learn to silence self-critical thoughts, boost your self-esteem, and become more confident and secure in your interactions with others. You don't accept to change your personality. By simply learning new skills and adopting a unlike outlook yous can overcome your fears and anxiety and build rewarding friendships.

Tip 6: Adopt an anti-anxiety lifestyle

The listen and the body are intrinsically linked—and more and more than evidence suggests that how you treat your body can have a significant upshot on your anxiety levels, your ability to manage feet symptoms, and your overall self-confidence.

While lifestyle changes alone aren't enough to overcome social phobia or social anxiety disorder, they can support your overall treatment progress. The post-obit lifestyle tips will assistance you reduce your overall feet levels and set the stage for successful treatment.

Avoid or limit caffeine – Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks deed equally stimulants that increment anxiety symptoms. Consider cutting out caffeine entirely, or keeping your intake low and limited to the morning.

Get active – Make physical action a priority—30 minutes per day if possible. If you hate to exercise, endeavor pairing it with something you lot do enjoy, such as window shopping while walking laps effectually the mall or dancing to your favorite music.

Add more omega-three fats to your diet – Omega-3 fatty acids back up encephalon health and can ameliorate your mood, outlook, and power to handle anxiety. The all-time sources are fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines), seaweed, flaxseed, and walnuts.

Drink only in moderation – You may be tempted to drink earlier a social situation to at-home your nerves, merely booze increases your adventure of having an anxiety assail.

Quit smoking – Nicotine is a powerful stimulant. Opposite to popular conventionalities, smoking leads to higher, not lower, levels of anxiety. If you need help kicking the habit, run into: How to Quit Smoking.

Get enough quality sleep – When you're sleep deprived, yous're more vulnerable to anxiety. Existence well rested will aid you stay calm in social situations.

Social feet disorder treatment

If you've tried the cocky-help techniques above and yous're however struggling with disabling social anxiety, you may need professional help every bit well.


Of all the professional treatments available, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to work best for treating social feet disorder. CBT is based on the premise that what you think affects how you feel, and your feelings affect your behavior. Then if you modify the way yous think about social situations that requite y'all feet, you'll feel and role improve.

CBT for social phobia may involve:

Learning how to control the physical symptoms of anxiety through relaxation techniques and animate exercises.

Challenging negative, unhelpful thoughts that trigger and fuel social anxiety, replacing them with more than balanced views.

Facing the social situations you fright in a gradual, systematic way, rather than fugitive them.

While yous can larn and practice these exercises on your own, if you've had problem with self-help, you may benefit from the extra support and guidance a therapist brings.

[Read: Online Therapy: Is it Correct for You?]

Role-playing, social skills training, and other CBT techniques, often as role of a therapy group. Grouping therapy uses acting, videotaping and observing, mock interviews, and other exercises to work on situations that make you anxious in the real globe. As you do and prepare for situations yous're afraid of, y'all will go more than and more than comfy, and your anxiety volition lessen.


Medication is sometimes used to relieve the symptoms of social anxiety, but it'southward not a cure. Medication is considered most helpful when used in add-on to therapy and self-help techniques that address the root cause of your social anxiety disorder.

Iii types of medication are used in the treatment of social anxiety:

Beta blockers are used for relieving performance feet. While they don't affect the emotional symptoms of feet, they can control concrete symptoms such as shaking hands or phonation, sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

Antidepressants may be helpful when social anxiety disorder is severe and debilitating.

Benzodiazepines are fast-acting anti-anxiety medications. Notwithstanding, they are sedating and addictive, so are typically prescribed simply when other medications have not worked.

Baby Steps to Overcome Social Phobia Anxiety Without a Therapist
